Polo Clubs in Argentina in Infant English Translation November 19 Parent Category: POLO CLUBS Uploaded by Kim Corley Translation of Argentine Polo Association Published in Polo Club News Hits: 14103 Print, AAP PILAR - E founded in 1753 Federal Capital, Argentina applicants JOY founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents ALTAMIRA founded in 2022 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants AMBER founded in 1949 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents ARAUCARIA founded in 1965 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active ARELAUQUEN POLO CLUB founded in 1753 Rio Negro, Argentina adherents ASCOCHINGA founded in 1960 Cordoba Argentina incorporated BIG BASS founded in 2019 Cordoba Argentina applicants BENQUERENCE founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents BERTA POLO CLUB founded in 2009 Cordoba Argentina applicants BETHANY founded in 2013 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents BRAVA POLO CLUB founded in 2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants C15 founded in 2012 Mendoza Argentina military CALLVU LEOVU founded in 1938 Buenos Aires, Argentina incorporated CANDIOTI founded in 1753 Santa Fe, Argentina adherents CHAPEL OF LORD POLO CLUB founded in 2009 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents GENERAL NECOCHEA HUNTERS founded in 1924 Buenos Aires, Argentina military CENTAURS founded in 1998 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active PLATE ONE founded in 1990 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents CHAPALEUFU founded in 1932 The Pampas, Argentina Active CIBAO LA PAMPA founded in 2022 The Pampas, Argentina applicants MENDOZA COUNTRY CLUB founded in 1753 Mendoza Argentina Active LOS CONDORES POLO CLUB founded in Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents GENERAL LAVALLE CIRASSIERS founded in , Argentina military COLONEL BRANDSEN founded in 1942 Entre Rios, Argentina military COLONEL SUAREZ founded in 1929 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active EMERALD COAST founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants BREED GETE founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants BREED YATAY founded in 2007 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents FOURTH CORNER founded in 2018 Corrientes, Argentina adherents FOUR WINDS founded in 2000 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents DON ALEJANDRO founded in 2004 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents DON AUGUSTO founded in 2003 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents MR. ERCOLE founded in 2021 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants HECTOR POLO founded in 2010 Cordoba Argentina adherents urban gift founded in 1994 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents DON WILFREDO founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents DONOVAN founded in 1931 Entre Rios, Argentina military DRAGONS COLONEL ZELAYA founded in 1753 Missions, Argentina military EL CABURE POLO SCHOOL founded in 2017 Cordoba Argentina adherents EL CARDO POLO CLUB founded in 1994 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE CHAÑAR founded in 1753 Cordoba Argentina adherents THE CHARABON founded in 1753 , Argentina applicants THE CHINGOLO founded in 1998 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE HUMMINGBIRD founded in 2005 Cordoba Argentina adherents THE CHALLENGE founded in 2006 Neuquen, Argentina adherents DESTINY founded in 1753 Catamarca, Argentina applicants THE MEETING founded in 2013 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE STIRUP founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE LIGHTHOUSE founded in 2022 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants THE GALPON founded in 1968 Cordoba Argentina military THE EVIL founded in 1932 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE METEJON founded in 1996 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE MIRACLE founded in 2006 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE OLIVE founded in 1753 The Pampas, Argentina adherents THE OVERO founded in 2018 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants THE COUNTRY POLO CLUB founded in Cordoba Argentina applicants THE PARADISE founded in 1999 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents EL PASO POLO RANCH founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE BACKHAND founded in 2006 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE BREATH founded in 2007 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents RETIREMENT founded in 1984 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE CORNER founded in 1936 Buenos Aires, Argentina incorporated THE POLE CORNER founded in 2021 Cordoba Argentina applicants DEW founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE SILENCE founded in 1978 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE CLOVER founded in 1933 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active ELLERSTIN founded in 1992 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active ENIGMA THE STAR POLO CLUB founded in 2009 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents EL ROCIO POLO CLUB STAY founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents LARGE STAY POLO CLUB founded in 2009 Saint Louis, Argentina Active PEACE STAY founded in 2002 Cordoba Argentina adherents VILLA MARIA RANCH founded in 2009 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents FORTIN EC. BRIG. M. RODRIGUEZ founded in 1972 Buenos Aires, Argentina military FORTIN THE GAUCHO founded in 2004 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents FORTIN EL SAUCE founded in 1963 Cordoba Argentina adherents FORTIN MULITAS founded in 1956 Buenos Aires, Argentina incorporated EDUCATIONAL VANGUARD FOUNDATION founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents GREENVILLE POLO CLUB founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants GUALEGUAYCHU POLO CLUB founded in 1934 Entre Rios, Argentina military MOUNTAIN GUARD founded in 1938 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active ARGENTINE STARS founded in 2001 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents SOUTH STARS IV founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents HARAS SAN PEDRO POLO founded in 2022 Federal Capital, Argentina adherents GENERAL BELGRANO HORSE RIDING founded in 1753 Santa Fe, Argentina Active GUALEGUAYCHU HORSE RIDING founded in 1945 Entre Rios, Argentina adherents HORSE RIDING PUERTO BELGRANO founded in 1952 Buenos Aires, Argentina military SANTA CATALINA HORSE RIDING founded in 1984 Corrientes, Argentina adherents HUARPES founded in 1927 San Juan, Argentina incorporated HURLINGHAM founded in 1888 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active CHAPALEUFU INDIANS II founded in 2007 The Pampas, Argentina adherents IVI MARAY founded in 2018 Cordoba Argentina applicants JOCKEY CLUB founded in 1882 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active JOCKEY CLUB OF SAN FRANCISCO founded in 1932 Cordoba Argentina applicants JOCKEY CLUB GUALEGUAY founded in 1924 Entre Rios, Argentina adherents JOCKEY CLUB ROSARIO founded in 1935 Santa Fe, Argentina Active THE WATER founded in 1963 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE ALAMEDA founded in 1997 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE ALBERTINE founded in 2001 Santa Fe, Argentina adherents LA ALEGRIA LOBOS POLO CLUB founded in 1988 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents ALICE founded in 1944 Buenos Aires, Argentina incorporated THE ANGELIC founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE RISK founded in 1980 Cordoba Argentina adherents THE ASTURIAN founded in 2017 Cordoba Argentina adherents THE WATCHTOWER founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE BAGUALA founded in 1998 Tucuman, Argentina adherents LA BAMBA POLO CLUB founded in 2009 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE CALIFORNIA founded in 2008 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE BELL founded in 2009 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE GLEN founded in 1981 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active THE CARONA founded in 2008 Buenos Aires, Argentina incorporated THE CAPTIVE POLO CLUB founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE FARM founded in 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE CHAVITA founded in 2010 Entre Rios, Argentina adherents THE HILL founded in 2000 Buenos Aires, Argentina incorporated THE DOLPHINE founded in 1996 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE ELOISA founded in 1998 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE HENRY founded in 1999 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents LA ENSENADA POLO CLUB founded in 2008 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE BULLET founded in 1981 Buenos Aires, Argentina incorporated THE HOPE founded in 1951 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE CORNER founded in 2003 Buenos Aires, Afghanistan adherents THE STOCK founded in 2021 Mendoza Argentina applicants THE WAKE founded in 1979 Santa Fe, Argentina adherents THE FIXED founded in 2013 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE RANGE founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE BEAUTIFUL founded in 2006 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE H founded in 2021 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants THE HORSESHOE OF PINAMAR founded in 2012 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents LA HIGUERITA founded in 2015 Cordoba Argentina adherents THE ILLUSION OF MERCEDES founded in 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE ILLUSION POLO CLUB founded in 2012 Santa Fe, Argentina adherents THE ILLUSION POLO OF TANDIL founded in 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE LITTLE IRENIT founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE JUSTINE founded in 2000 Entre Rios, Argentina adherents THE LUCILA founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina incorporated THE DAWN founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE DAWN 4 C founded in 1753 Corrientes, Argentina applicants LA MANCHA POLO CLUB founded in 2013 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE MARAGATA founded in 1753 , Argentina applicants MARIA BALCARCE founded in 2011 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE MARIA POLO founded in 2008 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE MARIANA founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE BUTTERFLY POLO CLUB founded in 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE POLO LING founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants THE MATERA founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE BLACK BERRY founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE NATIVITY founded in 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents DOVE founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants PEACE SAN FERNANDO founded in 2017 Tucuman, Argentina adherents THE PIZZA founded in 1986 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents LA PINTADA POLO CLUB founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE SILVER founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE PROVIDENCE founded in 2012 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE BROKEN founded in 2007 Corrientes, Argentina adherents THE FIFTH founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE RETURNED founded in 2019 Entre Rios, Argentina applicants THE CORNER PLACE founded in 2009 Santa Fe, Argentina adherents LA SARITA POLO CLUB founded in Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants THE SOFIA founded in 2002 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE DREAMED POLO CLUB founded in 2011 Santa Fe, Argentina adherents THE AFTERNOON POLO CLUB founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE TOTONA founded in 1753 , Argentina adherents THE TRINIDAD POLO CLUB founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE UNION founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents LA VANGUARDIA POLO CLUB SA founded in 2006 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants LA VARZEA POLO CLUB founded in 2007 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents LA VICTORIA POLO COUNTRY CLUB founded in 2015 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE VIOLET founded in 2011 Entre Rios, Argentina adherents THE LITTLE VIRGIN founded in 2008 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents LA YUNTA POLO CLUB founded in 1994 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents LABOULAYE founded in 1934 Cordoba Argentina adherents GENERAL PAZ LANCERS founded in 1924 Buenos Aires, Argentina military THE BETULAS founded in 1985 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE QUAIL founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE CUTTERS founded in 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents LAS CORZUELAS POLO CLUB founded in 1753 Cordoba Argentina adherents THE GAZELLES founded in 1968 Mendoza Argentina adherents THE HARE founded in 1753 , Argentina adherents THE NUNS founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE PALM TREES founded in 2020 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants PRAIRIE founded in 1978 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active THE ROSES founded in 1971 Santa Fe, Argentina adherents LINCOLN POLO CLUB founded in 2018 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants HILLS OF LUJAN founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE HELMETS founded in 2009 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE CONDORS founded in 1947 Federal Capital, Argentina adherents THE GUAZUNCHOS founded in 1948 Entre Rios, Argentina adherents THE INDIANS founded in 1923 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active THE ALIGATORS founded in 1969 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE FREE OF THE SOUTH founded in 1955 Buenos Aires, Argentina incorporated THE MACHITOS founded in 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE PINGOS OF THE TAITA founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE PENGUINS founded in 1925 Buenos Aires, Argentina incorporated THE OAKS founded in 1985 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents THE WILLOWS founded in 2008 Saint Louis, Argentina adherents MAGDALA founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active MAGUAL founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents MALAGUENO founded in 1922 Cordoba Argentina incorporated MALAL-CO DE LA SOC. RURAL OF THE CITY OF CORONEL SUAREZ founded in 2014 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents martindale founded in 1984 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active HALF MOON founded in 1934 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active LOOK AWAY founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents NAIMARA founded in 2021 Corrientes, Argentina applicants NAMUNCURA founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina incorporated OUR LAND founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents NINE CAVALRY founded in 1953 Corrientes, Argentina military NEW SILVER SEA founded in 1936 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents ORIENTAL founded in 2022 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants PALENQUE POLO PLAYERS founded in 2015 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents PALITUE founded in 1971 Neuquen, Argentina adherents PALO SANTO POLO CLUB founded in 2019 Cordoba Argentina applicants PARACAO founded in 1753 Entre Rios, Argentina military PATAGONES founded in 2011 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents PILARA founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active PILARCHIC founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active DO POLO founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants POLO ONE founded in 2003 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents pompeii pole founded in 2004 Cordoba Argentina adherents POWER HORSE founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents PUCARA founded in 1753 Salta, Argentina adherents OPEN DOOR founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents OLD POST founded in 2003 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active RED RANCH founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents HIGH CORNER founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents BOY CORNER founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents RIO CUARTO POLO CLUB founded in 1922 Cordoba Argentina incorporated RIO GRANDE founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents RS founded in 1753 Cordoba Argentina applicants JUMP POLO CLUB founded in 1753 Salta, Argentina military SAN ALFONSO DEL TALAR founded in 1994 Cordoba Argentina adherents SAINT ANTONIO founded in 2019 Chaco, Argentina applicants SAN ANTONIO CHICO founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina applicants SAN DIEGO founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active SAINT EUGENE founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents SAN FRANCISCO DE ASIS founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents SAN GONZALO founded in 1753 Santa Fe, Argentina adherents SAINT GEORGE founded in 1938 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active SANTA AGUEDA founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents SANTA CATALINA OPEN DOOR founded in 2000 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents ST. HELEN founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents SAINT MARIA OF JULY 9 founded in 1957 Buenos Aires, Argentina incorporated SANTA MARIA DE LOBOS founded in 2006 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents SANTA RITA founded in 1987 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents SANTA TERESA founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina inactive SANTA TERESITA OF LOS ESTEROS founded in 1753 Santiago Del Estero, Argentina adherents SAO JOSE POLO founded in 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents SAUVETERRE POLO & COUNTRY CLUB founded in 2008 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents GOLDEN SEVEN founded in 1945 Corrientes, Argentina military SUN OF AUGUST founded in 1982 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents SUN OF MAY founded in 1753 Cordoba Argentina adherents TALA POLO CLUB founded in 1753 Santa Fe, Argentina military TAPIA POLO CLUB founded in 2006 Tucuman, Argentina Active TEQUEL MALAL founded in 1753 Neuquen, Argentina adherents THAI POLO CLUB founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents TIGERS POLO CLUB founded in 1753 La Rioja, Argentina adherents TURTLES founded in 1980 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active THIRTEEN CAVALRY founded in 1753 The Pampas, Argentina military LAUQUEN TRAIN founded in 1968 Buenos Aires, Argentina Active THREE OF IRON founded in 1753 Chubut, Argentina military TUCUMAN POLO CLUB founded in 1916 Tucuman, Argentina adherents TUNUYAN founded in 1753 Mendoza Argentina adherents URBAN POLO CLUB founded in 1753 Santa Fe, Argentina adherents BIG VALLEY founded in 2017 Catamarca, Argentina adherents VELAY founded in 1753 Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents ONE-EYED DEER founded in 1753 Santa Fe, Argentina Active WASHINGTON founded in 1753 Cordoba Argentina incorporated YELLOW ROSE founded in Buenos Aires, Argentina adherents < Prev Next >