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American Cup press

Hello Teams,
Im my pleasure to inform you that we have 6 teams for the upcoming American Cup and we are very enthusiastic that is going to be a great tournament.
Please see attached the team roster and the tournament information.
Please any doubt just let me know.


A draw will be conducted on Friday July 5th 7:00 p.m, at the Fernet Branca Bar, located bellow the grandstand, followed by food, Fernet, Beer and music by DJ Felicitas. At least 2 team members must be present with at least 1 team jersey to draw.

Pedro Gutierrez
Polo Manager
Greenwich Polo Club
Office: 80 Field Point Road, 3rd Floor. Greenwich, CT 06830
Field: 1 Hurlingham Dr. Greenwich, CT 06831 (no mail, deliveries or shipping)
Mobile 561 389 2224
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American Cup




2-Postage Stamp Farm

3-White Birch

4-The Island House



Round 1

Between Tuesday 9th & Friday 12th

Game 1/Game 2/Game 3

Round 2

Saturday, July 13th/Sunday, July 14th

Game 1/Game 2/Game 3

Round 3

Between Tuesday, July 15th & Friday, July 19th

Game 1 /Game 2/Game 3

Final Games

Saturday, July 20th/Sunday, July 21st

3rd vs 3rd

2nd vs 2nd

1st vs 1st

Field address: 1 Hurlingham Dr. Greenwich, CT 06831

Office address: 80 Field Point Road, 3rd Floor. Greenwich, CT 06830

P 203-561-1639 | F 203-661-3349 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



American Cup


White Birch 16


Chris Brant



Kristos Magrini



Lerin Zubiaurre



Joaquin Panelo


Postage Stamp Farm 16


Annabelle Gundlach



Martin Gandara



Tomas Garcia del Rio



Brandon Philips


Faraway 16


Hutton Goodman



Michel Dorignac


3. Julian Daniels 6

4. Stevie Orthwein 4

The Island House 16


Peter Holowesko



Santino Magrini



Toro Ruiz Jorba



Peke Gonzalez


Reelay 15


Will Tomita



Nicolas Diaz Alberdi



Mariano Gonzalez



Matias Magrini


Altaris 16

1. Jamal Nusseibeh 0

2. Marcos Garcia Del Rio 5


Nic Roldan



Nick Manifold


Field address: 1 Hurlingham Dr. Greenwich, CT 06831

Office/mailing address: 80 Field Point Road, 3rd Floor. Greenwich, CT 06830

P 203-561-1639 | F 203-661-3349 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



July 3, 2019

Dear 2019 American Cup Team Members,

Please accept this letter as a notification from the Host Tournament Committee with the Tournament

Conditions and Format for the 2019 American Cup. The following Tournament Format and Conditions explain

how the tournament will be structured and managed.

Tournament Format and Conditions:

All games will be played on the Handicap, not on the flat.

The tournament will be played in accordance with the 2019 international rules.

The tournament will be played in accordance with the 2019 USPA American system with two brackets of

three teams each bracket.

For preliminary matches we will make two brackets, all teams in bracket A will play against all the teams

in bracket B.

Following the completion of the bracket play, each team will be ranked 1 to 6 on their win loss record, in

their bracket. In the case of a two-way tie who beat who will be used to break the tie. In the case of a 3 or

4-way tie, USPA Tournament Condition VI.g Shootout Tournament Tiebreaker with 1 player from each

team will be used to break the ties and determine ranking of the tied teams.

The top two best record of all the six teams will move to the Finals, the third and the fourth to subsidiary

final and bottom two teams will move to the friendly final.

Play dates:

Play dates will take place between Tuesday, July 9th and Sunday, July 21st. All teams should be ready to start

playing on Tuesday, July 9th.

Play dates and games are subject to change if weather does not cooperate. Following every Sunday game

there will be an asado for all players, friends and families of the players by the Pony Bar.

Note: The Host Tournament Committee will schedule games, game times and assign fields for all tournament

games. Dates of games are subject to change at the HTC discretion for any reason.


All players, grooms and pilots must wear helmets at all times while on the field, safety zones or riding horses.

Players/grooms/pilots not wearing helmets while riding horses will incur in a penalty during the game.

All players, patrons, pilots and grooms must sign a Greenwich Polo Club’s Liability Waiver prior to any game,

practice and prior to mounting any horse.

Third Man

Players having a 5 goal or higher handicap may be called upon to third man tournament matches.

Umpire Horses

Each team is required to provide two fully tacked umpire horses for each game they play. Umpire horses

MUST be suitable to play 16-goal polo. The umpire(s) will not umpire on any horse that is not suitable to

umpire at the 16-goal level. If an umpire rejects a horse, the team providing that horse must replace it


Field address: 1 Hurlingham Dr. Greenwich, CT 06831

Office/mailing address: 80 Field Point Road, 3rd Floor. Greenwich, CT 06830

P 203-561-1639 | F 203-661-3349 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.GreenwichPoloClub.com



Eddy Martinez

Darrel Schwetz

Ka’aina Decoite

Horton Shwartz (it goes Wednesday, July 10th)

Host Tournament Committee:

Peter Orthwein This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,

Tony Coppola This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Peter Rizzo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


A draw will be conducted on Friday , July 5th 6 p.m., at the Fernet Branca Bar, located bellow the grandstand,

followed by pizza, Fernet, Beer and music by DJ Felicitas. At least 2 team members must be present with at

least 1 team jersey to draw.


Ground fees must be paid in full and cleared by July 5th (4 days before starting).

Public matches:

July 14th & July 21st

Events & Polo Access benefits to teams:

Each participating team will receive 20 season car passes (yellow 2019 sticker) for their team and

staff to access public and private matches. I will distribute stickers to teams upon your staff's


Each team receives 8 additional guest car passes per Public Sunday of the participating

tournament. Please retrieve the guest car passes by sending each car guest's email address (e-

tickets) via email or text to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 203-561-1639 no later than Thursday

each week. Each car pass ticket allows all passengers to come into the club and have Grandstand

Bleacher seating with VIP bathroom access.

If you/your guests arrive with Yellow sticker instead please register at the info desk to get green

bleacher wristbands (for access VIP bathrooms).

Teams receive 20% discount for all other ticket options (when available).

All official players of the season have entry to the Player's Lounge. Each official player will receive

up to 2 complimentary drinks per Sunday at the Players' Lounge VIP, each patron receives 4

drinks. Player must be present to consume. Asado, beer & Fernet drinks are available at the After

Polo Party every public Sunday for official players only, all other drinks (Pony Bar) and meals

must be purchased.

The club will have additional events and asados for which players will receive a special invitation

Field address: 1 Hurlingham Dr. Greenwich, CT 06831

Office/mailing address: 80 Field Point Road, 3rd Floor. Greenwich, CT 06830

P 203-561-1639 | F 203-661-3349 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.GreenwichPoloClub.com


email each time.

Player must be present to consume. Asado, beer & Fernet drinks are available at the After Polo Party

every public Sunday for official players only (+1 guest), each patron (+3 guests), all other drinks

(Pony Bar) and meals must be purchased. Grooms from working during the public match, will have

access to the asado as well. Grooms and families are invited to the week day asados.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. We look forward to a great tournament,

Pedro Gutierrez

Polo Manager


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Field address: 1 Hurlingham Dr. Greenwich, CT 06831

Office/mailing address: 80 Field Point Road, 3rd Floor. Greenwich, CT 06830

P 203-561-1639 | F 203-661-3349 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.GreenwichPoloClub.com